Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Etsy Finds: Sailor Moon Edition

In honor of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal starting last weekend, and being the Etsy fiend than I am, I have whipped up a few of my favorite magical girl finds.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9

1. Sailor Moon Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask Print Bow Tie: The perfect item to add a little pizazz to your shirt or suit! It can also be made into a hair bow too. 2. Sailor Moon S Cosmic Heart Compact Brooch Locket: The prettiest compact ever! 3. Moon Crisis Leggings: I've been drooling over these leggings for a while! This is definitely something I'll be wearing at least a couple times a week when it starts to get cooler outside. 4. Usagi Bunny Oversized Sweatshirt: So cute and soft and warm! 5. Inner Scours Cling Earrings: It's cute earrings like these that make me wish I didn't have my ears stretched sometimes. Outer scouts are also available, as well as many other anime inspired earrings. 6. Luna Watercolor Print: I need this hanging on my living room wall now. 7. 2015 Calender / Digital Download: Already! 8. Awesome Sailor Moon Stickers: Plus Luna and a Donut! You can never have too many kawaii stickers. 9. Crisis Moon Compact Necklace: This is just, wow. Absolutely beautiful!
 Which magical Sailor Moon item do you adore?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New Month, New Hair

For the past couple of months I haven't been keeping up with my hair very much because I got bored with it. I finally decided I was done with having a shaved side-cut, and now I've got about an inch or two of new hair growth. The dark green color it used to be had faded into a lighter color that I wasn't too crazy about. Now don't get me wrong, I love when colors fade since they become more pastel like, but there was something strange about this green that was trying too hard to be an aqua color that I just did not like. So I went to my friend Tiffany, (who is the best colorist ever!) and she worked her magic on me! I decided to go with mint green.

The hair dye totally looked like toothpaste. :p

Tiffany also gave me kawaii concave bangs! I haven't had bangs like this years. I always go through this weird cycle where I get really cute bangs that I fall in love with, then after a while I decide to grow them back out, and only to get them cut again exactly like how they used to be. But not this time! I will definitely be keeping them for a while. Also, you can't even tell that the side of my head has been shaved since she parted my hair differently and blended.

Here is a shot in natural light to get a better look of the color. I love mint green! 

And since I don't have many pics of my new hair yet, here are some from the past I enjoyed having!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Review: Tomodachi Life

For the past few weeks I've been frequently playing Tomodachi Life for the Nintendo 3ds. It's been out for almost a month now and every time I mention the game to someone they're like "WTF IS TOMODACHI LIFE?!?" and to be honest I still don't even think I have any idea. Haha. Imagine if The Sims and Animal Crossing had a baby, and that baby was on acid all of the time...that's Tomodachi Life!

Some weird-ass dream one of my characters had.

The main gameplay in Tomodachi Life involves populating an island with Mii characters that live in apartments while you check up on them occasionally. The characters will have "problems" which you will need to help solve. These problems include things such as being hungry, wanting an outfit change, asking for relationship advice, or sometimes all they want is to just tell you something completely random. When you help them out you get an item you can use in the game and the character levels up a bit.

My look-a-like!

Characters eventually develop relationships with each other and can even get married and have a kid.

Tomodachi Life is a very chill and casual game. There's nothing very hardcore about this game at all. It can get repetitive which sometimes makes it boring after you've been playing it for a while. There's not a lot of customization and you don't have complete control over your characters, you just guide them when they ask. But it is something fun to play when you just want to relax for a bit. Its entertaining to watch your characters hang out and interact with each other because you have no idea what is going to happen. It is completely random! I have laughed out loud many times because of something ridiculous someone did or say.

"Boys Only!" hangout in the Island cafe.

 Grilling in the park.

Riding rollercoasters.

"Tomodachi Quest" mini game.

Magic show.

Weird dream.

Another random dream.
♥ ♥ ♥ / ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I give Tomodachi Life a 3 out 5 rating because even though there isn't a whole lot to do in the game, it's still funny and entertaining to watch your Mii characters. This is like an ultimate Tamogatchi!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A-Kon 25 - 2014

This past weekend was A-Kon 24 in Dallas, TX at the lovely Hilton Anatole! This was my fifth year to attend, and my third year staying at the hotel where it's hosted at. I feel a little bad I wasn't at all very social this year and didn't even get to meet up with some people I had made plans with, but nonetheless I still had a wonderful time. A-Kon to me is much more than an anime convention, it's also my vacation!

Last year A-Kon moved to a new venue, the Hilton Anatole. It was out-of-control craziness in almost every way! The parking sucked, the convention got way too crowded in certain areas such as the hallway to the artist alley and dealers room, and there were long lines everywhere. Luckily, this year those issues were solved and it was less stressful and more enjoyable. My only complaint for this year was the parking situation still sucked. The hotel parking is overpriced, and there were a lot of people who either got scammed or got their car towed.

Thursday afternoon my boyfriend, Alex, and I headed over to the Anatole to pick up our badges we had per-registered for. This process went by extremely smooth since we had donated $$$ a month ago to A-Kon's charity initiative. And because of that we got to skip the line completely! I loved this! Compared to last year when I waited in line for four hours. We were in and out of there in less than ten minutes. I am totally doing the same thing for next year if that option is available again.

I'd like to thank Tiffany for styling my wig!

I woke up early on Friday because I was so excited to get into my new cosplay for the first time. It took about two hours to fully transform into Chii. I took my time on getting ready since I did my makeup in a different style than usual, and had to untangle and style a very long wig. I loved cosplaying Chii! She's definitely the cutest character I've ever done, and it was so much fun.

Found a Freya! (Gosh I am so short! ;_;)

 Unfortunately I didn't get many photos this year since my cosplay kind of kept me from using it. But I did happen to snatch a picture of these awesome Pokemon cosplayers!

Alex and I shared our hotel room with our friends Judy and Bjarni. We all hung out and partied the whole weekend. I had a lot of fun spending time with them! Judy dressed up as Ed from Cowboy Bebop. :3

My loot! The dealers room and artist alley had so much awesome stuff. I'm glad I made a budget for myself or I would've gone crazy! My favorite purchase is the Sailor Moon Super S fannypack!

I also got myself an awesome unicorn kigurumi. I pretty much passed out after I took this picture. HAHA! It's so comfy!

I'm sure I am leaving out a lot of other stuff, but overall I had an awesome time and can't wait until next year!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Con Jitters

I am overly excited about A-kon next weekend! I feel like a giddy high school girl with butterflies in my stomach and being kept up at night at the mere thought of it and how close it is. I'm pretty sure I've annoyed everybody since it's all I've been talking about lately. :p

 Words cannot express how ridiculously excited I am!

ONE MORE WEEK!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Clean Eating Challenge ♥ Update ♥

Wow! So I am never allowed to do any more 30 day challenges on my blog because I am obviously not very good at keeping up with my posts. >.< Sorry about that!

On the other hand I most definitely have been keeping up with eating clean since I started the challenge. Things have been going pretty smooth, or should I say...clean! I don't feel like my body is bloated all of the time anymore, I've been sleeping more and better, and overall I feel healthier than I have ever been. I've even gave up drinking alcohol since it has a lot of sugar and calories.

I've allowed myself to have one "treat meal" once a week, where I can eat/drink anything I want and not feel guilty at all about it. I believe that helps me continue to eat clean without feeling deprived of the foods I love to eat.

One of the biggest things I've learned from eating clean is it's very important to have plenty of groceries at all times. I've attempted to eat clean lots of times before and it never worked out because I never bought enough groceries. I'd eat what I bought, which was very basic cheap groceries, and I'd still be hungry in between the meals I made for myself, which lacked the nutrition I needed. And almost all of the time that then resulted in me rushing to the nearest McDonald's and stuffing myself with chicken nuggets and french fries. Not good at all! Lesson learned!

Here are a few ideas of what I have been eating lately.

I've become addicted to making these no-cook, overnight refrigerated oatmeal breakfasts. I eat it almost everyday! It's so easy to make, isn't messy, and doesn't require a lot of time to make. There are so many different flavors and varieties to make so I don't get bored of eating. 

Toast with smashed avocado, tomato slices, salt, and pepper. A simple yet delicious meal! Sometimes if I am really hungry I'll add some black beans or other vegetable.

Spinach salad with hard boiled egg and bacon bits. The restaurant I work at has a spinach salad kind of similar to the one in this picture which I have been eating frequently. I don't mind having just a little bit of bacon. :p I also like to add tomatoes and pepperoncinis to the mix, and use a honey creole dressing.


Got any clean eating ideas of your own? Post in a comment! :]

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My summer has officially begun!

Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I've been busy! Last week I finished up all of my final exams for school which I'm now done with until fall. YEAH! Also, I've been picking up as many extra shifts as I can at work since I've requested a whole week off in June...and I need con $$$!!! Speaking of conventions, now that it's summertime in Dallas that means there will be at least one con a month until September, and I plan on putting together some new cosplay costumes.

My Chii cosplay has been completed just in time for A-kon. (Which is in exactly 2 weeks from now! GASP!) I'm going to be her the entire time of the convention, and I've got a few different outfits of hers I'll be wearing throughout the weekend. I plan to have a photo shoot soon, as well as make a tutorial, and other fun stuff, so be sure to check back! :]

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sailor Moon Themed QR Codes for Animal Crossing New Leaf

It just dawned on me that Animal Crossing New Leaf has been out for almost a year now, (in North America at least), and I've been addicted to it ever since! I swear I play it for AT LEAST an hour every day. There's always something to do, and never gets boring. It's just too much fun! I love this game so much! ♥

During the beginning of my game I decided I really wanted a Sailor Moon themed town. I had searched the internet for what seemed like forever and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. All I could find was sailor senshi qr codes for clothing, which they were still cool, but I wanted paths to decorate my town with. So I attempted to make my own designs and I'm actually pretty proud with how they turned out, so I wanted to share them here with you!

Here are what my paths look like.

Eh, excuse the weird placement of flowers, I've been breeding alot.
...And here are the qr codes!

Enjoy! Let me know if you end up using them in your town.
Also, if you re-post these please remember to give me credit. I worked really hard and took a long time on them to get just right.

My Nintendo 3DS friend code is: 3952 - 7002 - 8304
if you'd like to add me. :]

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Etsy Finds

Here are a few of my favorite items I have found on Etsy. I'm totally addicted to shopping on there and love everything about it!

and last but certainly not least...

If you have an Etsy shop post your link in a comment so I can check it out!