Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sailor Moon Themed QR Codes for Animal Crossing New Leaf

It just dawned on me that Animal Crossing New Leaf has been out for almost a year now, (in North America at least), and I've been addicted to it ever since! I swear I play it for AT LEAST an hour every day. There's always something to do, and never gets boring. It's just too much fun! I love this game so much! ♥

During the beginning of my game I decided I really wanted a Sailor Moon themed town. I had searched the internet for what seemed like forever and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. All I could find was sailor senshi qr codes for clothing, which they were still cool, but I wanted paths to decorate my town with. So I attempted to make my own designs and I'm actually pretty proud with how they turned out, so I wanted to share them here with you!

Here are what my paths look like.

Eh, excuse the weird placement of flowers, I've been breeding alot.
...And here are the qr codes!

Enjoy! Let me know if you end up using them in your town.
Also, if you re-post these please remember to give me credit. I worked really hard and took a long time on them to get just right.

My Nintendo 3DS friend code is: 3952 - 7002 - 8304
if you'd like to add me. :]

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