Friday, May 2, 2014

How to Survive Going to Anime Conventions

A-kon, the oldest and biggest running anime convention in North America, is just around the corner and I am so excited my heart just may stop. It's exactly 5 weeks from today and I'll be spending most of my time up until then preparing for it.  This will be my sixth year to attend A-kon, and my third year staying at the hotel it is located I'd like to consider myself a veteran when it comes to con going.

Preparing for a convention is an art form. It is important in order to get the most out of your experience. I've compiled a list of things to bring and prepare for. I hope you find it useful :]

  • MONEY!!! Preferably cash...sometimes certain vendors only accept cash, and/or the ATM on site may run out of money. BUT as technology advances most vendors are taking cards now. 
  • Cosplay outfit it you have one as well as all the makeup and accessories used for your cosplay. Also, an emergency sewing kit. (Needle, thread, hot glue, duct tape, scissors, safety pins, whatever!)
  • Sharpies if you want to get something signed. :]
  • DEAR GOD BRING ALL YOUR PERSONAL HYGIENE STUFF! TOOTHPASTE, MOUTHWASH, FLOSS, DEODORANT, SHAMPOO, CONDITIONER, SOAP! Seriously, it's a giant place full of hot sweaty nerds, some who obviously don't know what a shower is. Don't contribute to the nasty smelliness! It is not healthy and it's offensive to everyone! Take a shower each day of the con!
  • 4 days worth of clean clothes. Don't forget your underwear!
  • Comfortable shoes. Whether you're cosplaying or not, brand new non-broken in shoes are not fun at all. Remember, you will be walking alot.
  • Energy bars and water bottles are a smart idea. Especially at a con like A-kon where it's during 100+ degree summer weather in Texas.
  • Packing a sandwich or any type of snack/food/drink in a cooler if you are on a tight budget. Food and drinks tend to be expensive at cons.
  • Extra bag to carry all your cool new loot!
  • Cell phone. It's very easy to get separated from your friends at a con.
  • Camera.
  • NINTENDO 3DS!...If you have one. It's a great place to get tons of street passes and easily fill up your Mii Plaza with different people from different places.
  • Chargers/batteries for all the personal gadgets you are bringing.
  • HAND SANITIZER. This kinda goes in hand with the personal hygiene thing. Everything you touch has most likely already been touched by nerds who don't ever wash their hands. 
  • LOTS OF PATIENCE! Just have an overall good attitude. It will be crowded and there will be lines everywhere and you will have to wait for some things, but it's also a great time to chat with people and make new friends.
Well, there is everything essential that I could think of. Of course, if you are staying at the hotel you'll want to pack even more stuff.

While we are on the subject of preparing for conventions here is a sneak peak of the cosplay I am preparing for. :3

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